Training at Boca Ju Jutsu… We offer a variety of training methods. Scenario (mock or walk through training), Sparring (practice), and Kumite (competition), to insure proficiency, and maintain a high level of safety.
Differences in the training occur depending on the experience level, and desires or motivations of the student(s) ie. their ranks (Kyu or Dan ranks), their goals (Avoidance ie. bullying or muggings, lifestyle change ie. weight loss, competition or career ie. Corrections, Bouncer, Police), and physical prowess of the students.
Scenario based training is used in every martial art for many reasons. First to ensure safe practice. Second, it allows the instructor (Sensei) to access the health and condition of the students health and physical prowess. Third, it promotes unity of the students, enhancing the empathy for one another. Safety is paramount.
Sparring and Kumite training is widely varied, and used extensivly. We make the rules, and thus can control the level of training to insure safety during these activities.
All beginners, people with disabilities, youngsters, and Female self defense enthusiasts, Senario instruction is mostly used, but not exclusively. It insures the highest quality of teaching, maintaining safety, and builds up the confidence level of the practitioner. Repetitive actions done without the full application, aka practice drills (Uchi Komi or walk through of the particular technique) ensures the quality of the techniques being taught, and the safety of the students.
Classes begin with physical training. Core exercises, calisthenics, and breathing techniques to improve stamina, and focus one’s energy (Ki, or Chi). Forceful breathing techniques (Kiah) are taught when striking (Atemi), kicking (Geri Waza), and throwing (Nage Waza). Break falls (Ukemi Waza), and rolling techniques (Kaiten Waza) promote self preservation. Body movement (Tai Sabaki, Kata) teach students to avoid or minimize getting hit, kicked, or thrown, as well as entry to various techniques. Blocking and avoidance of punches and kicks ie. “checking” and or “trapping” is of paramount importance in the Sparring, and Kumite phases of training.
We can Box western style (punching and blocking w the arms or body movement)…or we can add kicks as in Kickboxing, Savate, Taekwondo or Tang Soo Do…add knee and elbow strikes as in Thai Boxing or Kumite…or add throws and Grappling as in MMA, NHB (No Holds Barred), Cage fighting, Pankration, Jeet kune do, Kenpo karate, Shidokan style karate (3 rounds, 1st boxing, 2nd Kickboxing and sweeping, 3rd Top to bottom)… We can practice ground work only, as in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Rolling), Kosen Judo (Ne Waza), or Wrestling (from floor), or add leg locking as in Sambo …We can Practice Stand up take down techniques, with or without striking or kicking, as in Stand up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kodokan Judo (Ashi Waza), or Wrestling top to bottom….We can practice fighting and/or defense from an armed opponent, or multiple attackers. This is similar to Street fighting, Dirty boxing judo and Sambo, Systema, Silat, Krav Maga, Military Special Forces, Aikido or Hapkido or Samurai Ju Jutsu. Use of weapons and multiple attackers makes this style of Kumite one of the most challenging to train in. We desire to practice it all, because you never know what can happen in real life.
With that in mind, we teach defenses against knife, stick and gun attacks. We use a variety of self defense techniques from ALL systems of combat. We begin with the wooden Tanto, and the wood wakizashi which emulates the knife and the machete. Sticks, clubs, baseball bats, and the cane or walking stick are also used to emulate the Katana, Ken, Tanjo, Bo, or To.
Police tactics techniques, or Taiho Jutsu Waza, are usually reserved for Corrections, Police, Border Patrol, and the Military. Gun defenses against various pistols, rifles and shotguns are taught, as well as weapon retention, perpetrator apprehension utilizing tie-ups, handcuffing and/or leg locking. Use of the collapsible baton (Tokushu Keibo), PR-24 and ASP are all available.
Many systems of Ju Jutsu (or Jiu Jitsu, however the spelling) are similar, or use similar moves albeit various terminology. Such as San Yama Bushi Ryu, Miyama Ryu, Shinjutsu Ryu, Danzan Ryu, Sanuces Ryu, Vee Arnis Ryu or Vee Jitsu Ryu, Daito Ryu, Sosuishitsu Ryu, Neiseido Ryu, Budo Ryu, Bujitsu Ryu, Arashi Ryu, Atemi Ryu, Shorinji Ryu, Shorin Ryu, Ninjutsu ….we train in All aspects of martial arts, whatever the origin or discipline, and invite ALL martial practitioners to train. Ko Ryu (Koryu) or Western styles, keep your belt, and your rank. We only attempt to improve our craft(s), and our character. “No Bullshito or Chi balls” please. “Molon Labe” with us at Boca Ju Jutsu. 👍
Shihan William Wood